Thursday, September 26, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz Beat the Record for the Longest Speech this Year To Advocate for the Defunding of ObamaCare.

As we know, Senator Ted Cruz, 42, recorded the longest speech this year in the morning on 9/26/2013. He tried to persuade other senators to defund ObamaCare.

ObamaCare is also known as Health Care Reform. It is a national health care plan which was designed to allow more Americans to obtain affordable health care with improving quality.  

What does ObamaCare do:

·         Improves the quality of health care

·         Provides low-income families with discounts

·         Eliminates pre-existing conditions

·         And much more

However, high-earners will pay more toward the health care, insurance companies will increase insurance cost on everyone, and businesses may cut employee hours to accommodate this regulation.

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