Saturday, September 28, 2013

How Google’s new core search algorithm Hummingbird works?

A month ago, Google launched a significant change to its original core search algorithm. The new algorithm was nicknamed as “Hummingbird”. This dramatic change aims to deal with conversation search inquiry. It sounds like Facebook’s graph search.

On the latest version of Chrome, you can speak to your microphone by clicking on it in the search box. For example, you can ask “Who is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve?” You are going to get the answer “Ben S. Bernanke”. You can ask further question “How old is he?”, amazingly you are going to get answer “59 years (December 13, 1953)”. I said “amazingly” because this new algorithm can “memorize” and refer to the previous query.

You can also try on Google’s Search App for Mobile. 

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