Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why Volatility Index (VIX) Did Not React with the Market Movement on 9/20/2012

The Volatility Index (VIX) is to measure the market volatilities in the next 30 natural days. Usually it moves reversely with the general market. When the market moves up, the VIX shrinks, likewise.

The stock market plunged last Friday 9/20/2013. The S&P 500 index dropped 12 points, or 0.72%.  However, the VIX slightly decreased by 0.3%. It indicates that the market did not show any fear.
Since the market just made historical record high the previous day, a lot of investors, especially those who missed the boat, would treat the market drop as a buying opportunity.

We are going to see if the market overreacted to the negative news.

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