Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How the Dumb Money Behaves in the Stock Market

When the market enters the mania phase, the public (which we believe is so-called Dumb Money) are afraid of missing the last boat, and hurry to jump into the market. The share might appreciate some, but not much, compared with when the Smart Money or big money did the bottom fishing at very favorable prices.

The Dumb Money is not willing to take a medium-level profit. Instead, they wish the market to go down. Then, they have the opportunity to buy more shares. At this time, the market might already have turned, and the Dumb Money has caught the falling knife.  Then people lose money and complain about being an ordinary investor who does not have inside information, or just isn’t lucky.  This is the typical mentality of the retail investors.

Before we enter the stock market as an individual investor, we need to understand that stock market trading is an unfair game.  The Smart Money knows what Dumb Money is doing, takes advantage of it, and makes money because of this knowledge. However, the Dumb Money is unaware of Smart Money’s moves. If you do not rescue yourself, it will make this game even more unfair. 

We often say 97% of individual investors lose money in the stock market. We are not sure if this figure is accurate, but we believe the majority of market participants (especially the uninformed throng who do not do the required studying) fall into this unfortunate category. Diligent examination, and studying market history and trends must replace “hot news”, following “tips” of others, or just relying on simple luck.

If you want to learn more about the Smart Money and Dumb Money, you can read more here:

Thanks for your visiting and reading.
Have a great day!



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