Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Promote Your Online Business with Article Marketing

I just want to share with you what I learned from this eBook I read.

Ryan Parenti  provides tips to get your articles read In his 173-page eBook Article Marketing Promotion Secrets Strategies for Earning Big with Article Marketing

1.    Short paragraphs

2.    Use numbers or bullets

3.    Use sub-headings to sub-divide your paragraphs in the page

4.    Make your article interesting

5.    Use figures instead of plain statement, etc.
Please be mindful that an article always be captured by keywords. Choosing an appropriate key is the most crucial factor of in term of SEO. This is especially true with article marketing.
Some of the Best Free Keyword Tools Include

Tune up your resource box which is very critical to your business. Always include a link in your resource box to your web site.

Since you are not allowed to add affiliate links to your article in some articles sites, like, the author suggested you send readers to your site or blog. Setting blog is not hassle and free charge if you use service like Wordpress or Blogger. You are free to add all the affiliate URL’s at your will.
About the writing article, the author suggest the quantity is better than quality, of course, you should not put out garbage articles. An article with 300-400 word is working. Write “how to” or “tip” articles related to some topics since people are hungry for information.

The author also suggest some good sites to submit your articles, they are:

Besides you submit articles to the above sites, you can start blog, Squidoo lens, post 5 ads to USFreeAds, and more.

If you can produce 50 articles per day, you will be rich with 6 to 12 months. I believe in it. What do you think?

This eBook includes a lot of contents. If you are interested in it, check it out: Article Marketing Promotion Secrets Strategies for Earning Big with Article Marketing.

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